My trip to Scotland had perfect timing. The sheep were very close to being shom and had so much wool on them they were actually loosing it all over the place. I could restrict myself and started collecting the nicest of the locks and tucked them into my backpack. It became a nice bag full of fibre. After a bit of fumbling around with it and the concerned question of a friend if he should check if his parents still had an old spinning whell in their attic (that's sounding pretty briar rose like, now), I knew just what to do with it.
Trommelwirbel: Thrummed Mittens! Nachdem ich im vergangenen (harten) Winter vergeblich auf der Suche nach Lammfell gefütterten Fausthandschuhen war, scheint das eine echte Alternative zu sein. Außerdem muss ich dafür nicht Spinnen! Nicht, das ich es nicht mögen würde, aber weder besitze ich ein Spinnrad, noch habe ich große Lust meine Handspindel nach mehr als 10 Jahren zu reaktivieren. Und was dann mit dem Garn tun??? So perfekt spinne ich nämlich nicht.
Drum roll: Thrummed Mittens! Last (verrrrry cold) winter I looked in vain for mittens lined with lambskin so this seams to be a very handy alternative. And I even don't have to spin for them! Not that I wouldn't enjoy it, but I don't own a spinning wheel and am not very inclined to start with the handspindle again after more than 10 years. And what would I do with the yarn - I'm not a very skilled spinner.
Drum roll: Thrummed Mittens! Last (verrrrry cold) winter I looked in vain for mittens lined with lambskin so this seams to be a very handy alternative. And I even don't have to spin for them! Not that I wouldn't enjoy it, but I don't own a spinning wheel and am not very inclined to start with the handspindle again after more than 10 years. And what would I do with the yarn - I'm not a very skilled spinner.
So, wie sie jetzt ist, kann ich die Wolle nicht benutzen. Das Gröbste an Dreck habe ich schon vor Ort entfernt, aber das muss noch mal besser gemacht werden. Das ist offensichtlich, für den Rest habe ich mich versucht zu informieren: Anscheinend sollte ich die Wolle waschen, um das Fett zu entfernen (ist vielleicht auch besser, es sind tatsächlich teilweise Klümpchen) und dann Kardieren (Kämmen). Das wird dann noch mal interessant. Dazu fehlt mir auch das Werkzeug und 40€ zu investieren finde nicht verhältnismäßig. Ich bin auf der suche nach Alternativen und derzeit sind ne Hundebürste zu nehmen oder mir aus Nägeln ein Werkzeug zu basteln die Favoriten. Vorschäge? Gott-sei-Dank ist der Winter noch etwas hin...
But even so I can't use the wool just like it is. The worst of the clutter I left where I collected the wool. But there still is finer stuff in there. So much the obvious, the rest a bit or googling did: It seams I have to wash the fibre, to get out the fat (which is kind of good, because there are actually little lumps of it) and to card it (comb it). This is where it get's interesting again. I don't have any carders and am not up to spending 40€ for this little use. I'm looking for alternatives at the moment and my favorite are a dog brush oder to make a device myself by hammering nails to a bit of wood. Any suggestions? Luckily winter is still some time away...
But even so I can't use the wool just like it is. The worst of the clutter I left where I collected the wool. But there still is finer stuff in there. So much the obvious, the rest a bit or googling did: It seams I have to wash the fibre, to get out the fat (which is kind of good, because there are actually little lumps of it) and to card it (comb it). This is where it get's interesting again. I don't have any carders and am not up to spending 40€ for this little use. I'm looking for alternatives at the moment and my favorite are a dog brush oder to make a device myself by hammering nails to a bit of wood. Any suggestions? Luckily winter is still some time away...
Eine interessante Frage. Jemanden fragen, der beides gern macht und gut kann und ihm dafür etwas Nettes machen oder backen?
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